
    Quarter 1 Newsletter

    Tri-County Pertussis Update


    Hazard Mitigation Plan Update - The district is participating in the HMP update with the County, and have now completed our risk ranking, scoring the hazards of concern.  Additional information is available on the County’s website and will be available for review at the County fair.


    Transitional Kindergarten

    Child Find

    Cell & Electronic Devices

    JH & HS Schedule

    Cusick School District #59 serves 332 students in grades K-12.  We are located in an extremely beautiful area of Pend Oreille County in the northeast corner of Washington State.  We are 50 miles north of Spokane and 18 miles from Newport. Cusick serves students from the nearby Kalispel Indian Reservation and the communities of Cusick and Usk.


    305 Monumental Way
    Cusick, WA 99119
    509-445-1598 - Fax
    Elementary Line: 509-445-0361
    School Hours for 2022-2023
    Bess Herian Elementary: 8:10 a.m. to 3:35 p.m.     
    Junior/High School: 8:00 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. 

    Click 'Student Supply List' Under the District tab for the new list!
     Thank you

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