Read Theory
This is a website that you can use to read stories and answer comprehension questions. The computer automatically adjusts the reading level based on your scores. Our classroom code is 9QXCY82Y. Your user name is your first initial, your last name, and lunch code. Example (creese1234) Password: thirdgrade3
Lalilo Reading & Phonics
Click on log in, then I am a student, enter the school code VHHZDX, next click on the classroom and then click on your name.
Log on to Epic to explore literacy and read your favorite book. Classroom Code is xag6885 and your pin is your 4 digit lunch code. You may have to sign up for a home membership and pay $5.99 a month to use at home. It is well worth the money, ask your child.
Spelling City
Here is a fun and interactive way to learn spelling, phonics, and vocabulary. Students may log on and complete their spelling and vocabulary lessons for the week. Student’s username is their first name and lunch code (Cheryl0101). Student passcodes are their 4 digit lunch code (0101).
Google Classroom
Log on to complete your weekly assignments.
Open chrome and type in “Google Classroom”
3rd grade link https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/MTc0NTExNjI5OTU5/t/all
2nd grade link https://classroom.google.com/u/0/w/MTgzMzEyNDk0MDYx/t/all
Your email is your 1st Initial of your first name, 1st initial of your last name and then your 4 digit lunch code, then @cusick.wednet.edu (cr0101@cusick.wednet.edu) Your password is your (birthdate) 07052010
Common Core Standards Create Your Own Worksheet
Create your own math worksheets by grade level and standard.
IXL can access math and language arts skills by each standard. Please visit to work on a particular skill level. Log in with CLEVER.
3rd Grade Scholastic News
I'd like to share an exciting learning opportunity with you and your family. Our classroom subscribes to Scholastic News magazine, and it comes with an incredible website that your child can use at home. With educational videos, learning games, and digital assignments, the website gives students a more comprehensive understanding of the topics I cover in class. I encourage you to help your child log on to the Scholastic News website. It's easy to do. All you need is the password below. Click on the link below to access.
Your Child's Classroom Password is Reese3